Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The day gets better :)

Woke up a little out of it and had an emotional morning... Talked to my Sunshine and that helped as always though it also made me incredibly antsy to go to Texas! Im not a patient person at all and its been six months since ive seen her. I miss that girl! So after a video chat I got ready and chilled with Rosie for a while, went out to dinner. Didnt hit the skate park today because it was rainy and windy and cold! Went to derby practice and was feeling like a useless fly on the wall as usual. Ive had a really hard time connecting there for some reason, which is very unlike me. So a little while into practice I got called up to help and was actually involved in the majority of it and it felt GREAT! Im so excited to get on skates, im really hoping to have my insurance forms back by Monday evening so I can skate at practice! Im planning on buying new elbow pads and wrist guards this weekend. Saturday Rosie and I are going to Yakima to meet up with Zach and hit SkateLand, super psyched for this! Ive been skating on cement so im curious how the slick floor will treat me lol. Then after that we're hitting up a coffee shop with some ASL students/friends of Zach's so that should be fun. Mary is coming into town Friday and ill probably hang out with her. And Sunday is scrimmage day between our two local derby teams. So a fun weekend :)
I super duper need to clean the house and organize my room this week. My Dad will be home early next week and we are trying to get the house emptied and ready for BK (his girlfriend, Bette Kay) to move all of her things over on the 16th of May! Combining two full households is quite an experience!
Getting more excited daily for my dreads! Worried about my derby helmet, I might need a bigger size... but im determined to make it work! My little brother's mom made him shave his dreads off and hes PISSED and im not thrilled either. So I told him that when it grows out to 4-5 inches I will help him do it the right way. So that will be cool to look forward to.
Okay im tired, bed time!

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