Tomorrow will be my last day in town. Girls will be home from Hawaii and i'll be back at my Dads. Im not too thrilled about the prospect. Havent spoken with him since our fight on Sunday morning so we'll see how it goes. Im sure he has calmed down but the problem is that the facts of the fight are still the same.
Im going to tell my Dad that I DO want to do summer classes at CWU. Its a start, and I need that. Ive gotta do SOMETHING right now. So i'll get started there and see how it goes. Looking into some options for staying in town at least part time. I know that will help reduce the stress level at home. When my Dad's girlfriend moves here next month that should calm things down considerably as well. Im excited to start school and get things rolling. Im looking into a part time job as well. Im incredibly stressed about money right now. I havent worked since January and my phone bill is almost a month late. I havent paid on my tickets in a couple months. I need my phone at the very least. I want to save up for a new phone as well that I can make video calls on. Something with a front facing camera! Not to mention I have more derby gear to buy. Though I havent been able to make it to practices recently mostly due to fighting with my dad and not having rides. Its stressful not having a license.
Im looking forward to this weekend and the Aries/Taurus party very much! I adore all of the Seattle/Roslyn people. Im a decent bit younger than most of them and yet ive never felt more comfortable. I am accepted, not judged, and its a wonderful feeling. The party is gonna be a blast! Rosie will be accompanying me and so many fabulous people will be there. A lovely escape from reality! Though really, reality has been pretty great recently. Happy outweighs, and almost obliterates, sad! Fantastical.
EQuAL meeting and movie night tonight :-) Im off to clean clean clean the office until I get to go home!
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