Thursday, June 2, 2011


Im in that place I go to mentally at the moment. Im surrounded by noise and activity but not really registering any of it. Ive retreated to a semi-docile corner with my iPod. Im not sad or depressed. Sometimes my brain just needs time to reset. Especially right now with so many things going on. Its so easy to get overwhelmed. I have a lot of words in my head but I doubt that I will be able to put them in here sucessfully today.
Last night was Queer Peoples Choice Awards. A bit of a flop, but it was a learning experience. My first time signing a song on stage. I dont remember it at all, so im not sure how I did. Some fairly serious drama happened after the performance that I was not a part of but feel like I need to take a part in resolving. I will deal with it next week when Pride is over. My wallet also dissapeared during the show last night. Which was an awfully upsetting thing due to the fact a good portion of my vacation money was in there plus my ID, SS card, USARS (derby insurance) card... stuff I need for Texas. Thankfully today someone turned it into the lost and found. The cash is gone but I have everything else, and im thankful for that. I hope whoever took the money needed it. For groceries or textbooks or diapers... or even to take a pretty girl on a date. Just not for drugs or alcohol or video games, prefferably.
The amature drag show was this morning and the professional show is tonight. So its a good day, im just really out of it at the moment. I will snap back. Im frusturated because I dont know what I need to come back to the real world. So I just have to wait until I figure it out. Grr.

Im leaving for Austin in 7 days. Im ready for the time away. And time with my CS. The excitement is taking over the anxiety for sure. Even though I will have less money than I was hoping to take, im sure I will still enjoy myself thoroughly. Then as soon as I get back I will be starting classes as a Non-Matriculating (non degree-seeking) student. And then the next weekend is Seattle Pride and my birthday celebration on the west side. This is needed. Im really hoping my school loan comes in by then. If not im borrowing money until it does. This month... this is my month. This is my time to BREATHE and to LIVE. And to love :) If everything works out my three beautiful women will all be spending time with me at Pride :) I only have 6 more days with one of them and in the mean time she is insanely busy with school and we barely see each other. Im having a hard time with it. Im crazy about her and just want to steal her away until the end of time. But life doesnt work that way and shes got to focus on graduating right now.
Lynn will be staying through Pride weekend which will be very nice :) Shes actually going to stay with me the last week in June. And then she will be back in the fall. And FA, of course, is here to stay.
Ive been making friends in large quanitities recently and its been a wonderful experience. The more people in my life the BETTER!
Ok. Thats all the brainpower I have right now :)

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