Finding it today was a good tie-in with many of the emotions ive been having. I feel comfortable in my gender identity, but I most definitely believe in the fluidity of gender as well as sexuality. I like the quote that says "Talk to a femme dyke about how she experiences power through her gender identity." I was saying a few days ago that emotionally and mentally I am insanely girly and feminine. But on the outside my appearance tends to be dykey or "butch". Im in a transitional place right now and cant say where I will end up staying, if I stay at all. I may just jump and flow and live in the experience.
Im still working on focusing internally on what I need and want and like as opposed to what others like, or what I perceive others to like. It is a daily struggle for me because I have spent my life being a people pleaser to the point of not knowing myself at all. That is why I am on this journey.
Delving into the gender spectrum is very interesting. It ties in well with views on sexuality fluidity and foray into the Polyamorous lifestyle. The new people I have been meeting recently as well as some old friends I have come back into contact with have all shared wonderful varying viewpoints and lifestyles. The open minds and hearts make my soul soar with happiness.
I will soon be undertaking a serious look into spirituality and religion. I have always accepted and appreciated my Catholic faith. I have NOT always agreed with the views of the church. Far from it. But the rituality and structure of Mass has been ingrained in me from a very age and I am comfortable in it. But I have always appreciated other faiths and held a strong interest in them. Even though I classify myself as Catholic, my views do not mirror those of the church. I believe that there is an entity above all of us (not above as in heaven necessarily, I just mean something more than simply people); be that entity a God or Goddess, Mother Nature, or maybe a mixture of all those things. I believe that no matter what God you pray to, they are all the same. I believe that no one person can judge another and that whatever power is out there is not there to judge us. And that all we can do in life is live it the best way we can as individuals. To love and care and give. With all of these ideas meshing in my head I will be researching various forms of Christianity and Paganism and hope to, in time, find a place where my mind and soul both feel fulfilled.
Take a moment to read the quotes on this poster and really think about them. If you dont understand a term, look it up! Begin to educate yourself on the Gender Binary and the issues surrounding gender these days! (And if you like the poster remember to check out the Syracuse Cultural Workers website!)
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