Monday, July 25, 2011

Dating frusturations!

Feeling pretty done with dating for a while, it doesnt seem to be working in my advantage. Maybe its just the fact that its summer in E-burg, I dont know. But its not working for me.

I've got one girlfriend halfway across the country for the summer.

Another girl I have been kinda/sorta dating went back to her ex. Which cut her off from me in a dating sense but also means I see her a lot less in a platonic way as well.

89's birthday was Yesterday. I didnt expect a response from my email, but it still stung a bit when one didnt come.

I went on a date last week with a girl ive known for a little while now. She lives in out of town but we've hung out a few times and there is a mutual attraction. Evidently we had different views on how that went.
My blog entry:
"Had a wonderful "date" yesterday. An afternoon picnic in a quiet park. Champagne and conversation with a beautiful girl. We knew each other before, so it was lovely and low key, and I hopt to do it again soon :) I thoroughly enjoy her company and feel great when im around her. She makes me feel good about myself. She makes me want to run through the woods naked, actually, which is a pretty fun feeling :)"
Her blog entry: "
I've been dating a little bit, and its been fun. Both men and women. There is one very pretty grrrrr in Ellensburg but it seems like we are both gravitating in different directions. I've found someone that I think I really like, and I'm a little surprised because it is not someone that would ever catch my eye...I mean, the kind of person that you go by in the grocery store and don't even notice. But once you make yourself look, well, his heart is like a kaleidoscope of radiant gems and syrups. My own juices are flowing with the bright heat of summer, and love is floating with the fuzzy cotton tree seeds in the wind."
Notice the bolded/italic sentence in hers. Yeah. Not exactly on the same page :-/ The frustrating part for me is having (as usual, it seems) NO IDEA what shes talking about. The only thing I can think of is that ive been in a crazy funk the last few weeks and she is a very onward and upward person with a very strong heart and sensitive soul. Maybe the subtle negativity inside me got to her. If that is the case its a hard realization for me. I am usually crazily upbeat even in very hard times. I've recently let myself get brought down and am working really hard on climbing out of that hole, but its hard. I am fueled by social interaction and having not had much recently make it a tough battle for me.

I need to kick my ass into gear and get over it.


  1. Oh my dear, I had such a wonderful time with you out there on my blanket under the wind. I loved the way your soft hair reflected the sun and how your body felt under my hands...there is a lovely attraction there and I also think you are a great conversationalist. I love your journey.

    Did you not feel the slight tugging, like when one is standing in a lake and the current is gently pulling them in a certain direction...honestly, we've barely been able to see each other as it is. We're both busy and have transportation issues. I have a kid coming home in less than 2 weeks who I have to get ready for third grade. I don't see us getting any less busy in the near future.

    Also, you are learning lessons right now, like being okay with just being alone, that I really admire you for going through. I remember going through those same feelings when I was 23. That was a long long time ago. Now I really really like being alone, and especially not being in a relationship. But I loved seeing you! My reference to gravitating in different directions translates into --I don't think I'm going to really be able to see her very much. If you want to talk about it, then please, call me and we can talk.

  2. sorry, I thought your comments went to moderation first!
